About Us

The Firm

Profit Acumen is a values-driven online money coaching firm grounded on FIVE pillars of financial WELL-BEING. We help the masses transform their relationship with money for a life of
Peace. Purpose. Prosperity

Money coaching is a rapidly growing, and emerging, and timely paradigm. The intention of Money Coaching is to help transform the individual and collective consciousness around money through education, awareness, and empowerment, which we facilitate through coaching, workshops, and training.

Our programs inspire, educate, and empower students, couples, employees, business owners on a clear road-map to reinvent their money choices and patterns so that they can make conscious money decisions that will lead them to live a life of PURPOSE, PEACE & PROSPERITY.

Our mission is to solve the common struggles related to money; choices and patterns which lead the masses to a life of always chasing money; debt, paycheck to paycheck, penniless with assets, poverty on retirement.

We have a long term vision and are committed to elevating the Financial WELL-BEING of humanity, globally through our honest and practical financial solutions to help people take control of their financial destiny. It’s about having a solid foundation grounded on our FIVE pillars of Financial WELL-BEING.

Consumerism is the addiction of our time

Our society is caught up in the struggle to acquire more and more material possessions and with this comes an ever-growing sense of hopelessness and financial despair. This is the materialistic definition of Wealth which more often ends up locking people in a prison of constant "money chasing"!!

Money is certainly one of the ways we can actualize our dreams into reality. It is a powerful resource with magical energy. You either master money, or, on some level, money masters you!

Our Pillars

Profit acumen is values-driven and what we deliver is grounded on FIVE pillars of financial WELL-BEING which if implemented correctly leads to the life and prosperity you desire.
Each of these pillars is important in its own right and equally needs the active support of all the other FOUR pillars to develop a SOLID base for your overall financial well-being.